WOW…….How time flew by this summer, school is back in session & we are getting ready to settle down into our school schedules. Please see below the school calendar as to when school is out.
Also this year I am continuing to take kids to school, but I have added a school pickup. Kellie will not get her license until Aug 24 (Hopefully), so we may have to pick her up from school as well. We will leave the house at 8:00am at the very latest & will return around 9:00ish. In the afternoons we will leave the house about 3:00pm at the very latest & will return around 4:00pm. This schedule will start Monday, Aug 17.
Please see the volleyball schedule below, as in the years past the kids have really enjoyed going on a little outing to watch different games. So listed below is the volleyball games the kids and I will be going too. Games we will attend will only be home games, which are at Wheat Ridge High School, 9505 West 32nd Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. Games will be during afternoon snacks, so we will be taking them with us while we watch the games.
Summer Time
Monday - Swimming at Anderson Pool - 44th & Field St. - (Last Day is Aug 10th) - From 10am - 2pm
*Children will need a swim suit, swimmy diaper(if not potty trained or questioning accidents), & towel.
Tuesday - Reading Day - At home
Wednesday - Movie Day - At home
Thursday - Park Day - Parks to be announced
Friday - Water Day - At home
*Children will need a swim suit, swimmy diaper(if not potty trained or questioning accidents), & towel.
Teaching Strategies Gold MANDATORY Parent Information Meeting
Monday, August 10, 2015
Lite Refreshments will be served
At least 1 parent of kids ages, Birth - 5, MUST attend. If your kiddo is in another Preschool Program or is in school (Kinder or above), you do not need to attend.
You will be given information on the new assessments
I am really looking forward to this next step that we are headed in and I really encourage each parent to at least give this a try for a year. This service is being provide by a grant that Angel Hugs Day Care received.
Student Spotlight
August Birthday's
Judson - 9th
*Important Daycare Dates*
(P-Personal, H-Holiday, & S-Sick)
****No Daycare & Other Important Dates****
Aug 3rd - P (11)
Sept - 7th - H
Sept 18th - P (10)
Oct 23rd - P (9)
Nov 11th, 12th, 13th, 16th - P (8-5)
Nov 26th & 27th - H
Dec 24th & 25th - H
Payments that are due during this time are to be paid prior to the personal or holiday days
*Personal Days-P & Holiday Days-H to be paid/contract*
*15 Personal Days as of 1/1/15*
*5 Sick Days as of 1/1/15*
*Other Important Dates*
Jaycee or Jeni will be here with kids the following dates for a couple hours
Aug - 12th
Mon, Tues, & Thurs - I will be doing online classes. Jaycee will be here with the kids from 4:00 or 4:30 until 6:00. I will be here as well, but I will be in a room doing class work...... June 1 through Aug 8.
School Schedule
Foster - Starts back 8/17
Steven's - Starts back 8/17
***Sign-In & Sign-Out Sheets***
State of Colorado & Food Program is requiring all parents to sign their children in and out of daycare. On the front porch is a clip board with the list of all kid's names. If you would please do this, that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOD PROGRAM has said they are starting to not reimburse if this is not done.
Kellie Volleyball Schedule
To be announced later once we get it.
Jefferson County Childcare Association Parent Newsletter