Sunday, February 7, 2021

February 2021 Newsletter

Valentine's Day

We will be having a Valentine's Day Party on Friday, February 12th. Each kiddo will have a bag for their cards, your child may bring a Valentine for each of their friends (names below). If you would like to send a treat for the day that is ok as well, please just let me know.

Rian, Penny, Levi, Nia, Sonny, Henry, Miah, & Maddie

***CO Shines Rating***
IT'S HERE!!!! Once I resubmit a few documents we should have our Level 5.

Please plan to partake in Parent Appreciation Day on March 5. There will be doughnuts and coffee and tea at drop-off and cake at pick-up. This a HUGE THANK YOU for all you patience you have had with this and allowing your child to be a part of my program. When things get safer I will definitely be doing more for this.

Annual Parent Survey's

Please be watching your emails for the Annual Parent Survey's. This will be coming out next month. Please start brainstorming any kind of suggestions you may have, parenting classes you would like to see be offered, or any other ideas you would like to share.

***Child File Updates***
Please, get them back to me these are due NOW  February 22, 2021. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

There will be a few new things added to the policies this year.

1) Electronic policy
2) Remote Learning policy
3) Split Family policy
3) More definition to the CCAP attendance policy

COVID Update
JeffCo is in an Yellow - Safer at Home Level as of Saturday, February 6, 2021 @ 9AM.  So please if there are any illnesses, let me know as we have different guidelines we need to follow. Also with this new level, all travel outside of Colorado depends on how things are handled, so please talk to me. Please do your best to stay at home whenever possible in order help our childcare community.

With my "found passion" I seem to have with COVID's data, stats, and the in's and out's, I was just recently appointed/elected as the Co-Chairman on COVID Task Force Team of Colorado Association of Family Childcare.
-What does that means? Our GOAL is that my Co-Chairman / VP Stacey Buzbee and I will be working directly with many different entities of the state officials, stakeholders, CDPHE, CDC, medical professionals, etc. to get information out to all Colorado Family Home Providers. 
-What that means for you as my parents?  We will have first hand reliable and scientific resourced information. Our GOAL is to possibly get information from the employee aspects for parents, guidance on what we have to do and not do, and vaccine information. I really look forward to this new position as it is one of my passions to continue to learn and to teach others.

Flu Season
Flu Season has approached us. I encourage ALL children to get the flu shot if they can. Please if you have any questions as to if your child should attend daycare please feel free to ask. I've got a list from the The Children's Hospital & CDC of different things as to when to keep your child home with you.  Just remember that a lot illnesses are contagious before symptoms appear, including the the actual Flu. Temperature over 100 degrees F is considered a fever according to the CDC. Please follow all CDPHE and facility guidelines for all illnesses.

***NEW Online System***
Please continue to keep all information up to date on Early Learning Ventures.

Brightwheel is used to notify parents of their children's day.

The list of resources has been added to Angel Hugs Daycare Facebook Page, in order for parents to have access to this information at all times. We never know what life throws at us. This list of resources has numbers for food banks, emergency housing, hospitals, and many other helpful things parents may need.

***NEW Family Engagement***
Toy Lending Library
Parent Survey has shown the results for doing a Toy Lending Library. Please watch for more information to come home about this. (ON HOLD DUE TO COVID)
Being on the Food Program, the CO Dept of Public Health and Environment is allowing providers to send up to one day's worth of meals and snacks home with a parent who picks it up daily. Please let me know if you will be using this service. "Meals-To-Go" includes breakfast, morning snack, and lunch. Since children are back in care, all Meals-To-Go must be picked-up. Please notify me the night before you want to pick-up food.

***NEW Illness Policy & Check-up & COVID Waivers***
There is a NEW STRICTLY ENFORCED ILLNESS POLICY CDC requires us to follow: NO sneezing, coughing, and fevered children. If your child comes down with an illness they will have to stay home for 72 hours symptom free before being allowed to come back, just to make sure no other symptoms appear. 

Temperature over 100 degrees F is considered a fever according to the CDC. For all other illnesses I will be following The Children's Hospital & CDC as to when to keep your child home with you. Just remember that a lot of illnesses are contagious before symptoms appear, including the the actual Flu, COVID, and many many others.

This year we have added in music lessons once a week to enhance our learning in all the learning domains, such as literacy and language, math, physical, logic and reason, and many of the growing areas. This is at no extra charge.

In order to maintain a high quality early childcare education program, I will be using my own curriculum, mixed with others, all which aligns with Colorado Early Learning and Developmental Guidelines. This curriculum is Child-led and Play-based (intentional teaching, but child-led ideas) all while learning ALL the skills that is needed to enter into Colorado's Kindergarten programs. I am so excited to launch this.

I am including an article from the National Association for the Education of Young Children, along with web link resources, that talks about play and play-based early childcare education and how this is so beneficial for children birth to 6 years old. Please take some time to read this. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me questions.


Play-based Learning Web Resources




Blanket Policy
Due to safety issues and to reduce risks, no child under the age of 2 will be given a blanket for nap time. Infants birth to 12 months will be provided a sleep sack as stated in the Infant Safe Sleep Policy as needed.

Preschool News
Program is aligned with the Colorado Early Learning and Development Guidelines, which can be found at:

Weekly Themes - Feeling Fantastic & Tropics in Winter
Color - Pink
Shape - Heart

Letters - P, Q, & R
Numbers - 13 & 14

6-8:30 - Arrival (Free Play)
8:30-9:00 - Circle & Story Time (Large Group) (planned daily activities)
9:00-9:30 - AM Snack & diaper changes
9:30-10:00 - Outdoor Play (Teacher Led Outdoor Gross Motor)
10:00-11:00 - Centers (Small Group) (planned daily activities)
11:00-11:30 - Free Play & diaper changes
11:30-12:00 - Lunch
12:00-3:00 - Nap
3:00-3:15 - Clean up & diaper changes
3:15-3:45 - PM Snack
4:15-6:00 - Outdoor Play (Teacher Led Outdoor Gross Motor)

Starts over in the Fall - From June until August we will be still having themes, but the structured preschool classroom will resume on September 1, 2020.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held the week of:

Winter - February 15, 2021 (ZOOM)
Spring - May 10, 2021

Show & Share - ON HOLD - DUE TO COVID-19

The kids will be asked to bring ONE toy from home on FRIDAY'S ONLY, but now they have to help pick something that we have learned from the week. I will put on the board what they need to help pick out from home. Example: 1st Week we will be working on the letter A & the color Blue. If you could help them find something at home that starts with the letter A, like the sound in APPLE or something with the color Blue.

Please bring this item in a bag, labeled with their name. Since we are going to have a specific day to bring a toy, I am asking for ALL other toys to stay at home all other days.

Student Spotlight
February Birthday's
Jaycee - 19th
Kellie - 24th

*Important Daycare Dates*
(P-Personal, H-Holiday, & S-Sick)

****No Daycare & Other Important Dates****

April - 30th - P (14)
May - 31st - H
July - 5th - H
Sept - 6th - H
Sept - 30th - (13)
Oct - 1st - (12)
Oct - 21st & 22nd - P (11-10)
Nov - 15th-19th - P (9-5)
Nov - 22nd-24th - P (4-2)
Nov - 25th & 26th - H
Dec - 23th - H

*Personal Days-P & Holiday Days-H to be paid/contract*

*15 Personal Days as of 1/1/21*
*5 Sick Days as of 1/1/21*

School Schedule
There will be no school drop off's or pick-up's this year. This could change at anytime, but a note will be sent out if this does change.

Please see each school website for COVID updates on this

*Other Important Dates*
Jaycee, Kellie, Jeni, or Dave will be here with the kids on the following dates for a couple hours
None as of right now

***Sign-In & Sign-Out Sheets***
Found by the front door.
State of Colorado & Food Program is requiring all parents to sign their children in and out of daycare. In the parent center will be the clip board. If you would please do this, that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!  FOOD PROGRAM has said they are starting to not reimburse if this is not done. 

Parent Corner

Colorado Shines Goals - A copy of the goals will be attached to the monthly email, along with a copy in the Parent Resource Center.

Parent Helpful Info
Stop Whining

Jefferson County Childcare Association Parent Newsletter

One-liners (Shows empathy, but puts child's action back on them) ***VERY HELPFUL***

Food Program - "Dear Parent Letter"

Family Network
Facebook Daycare Group – Everyone can search Angel Hugs Daycare and see the Facebook page. It is not a closed group. There will be no pictures of children on here.

***Community Connections***
 - 5280 Produce
    Fresh Produce for a reasonable price.....Facebook....5280 Produce

 - Arvada Library - 7525 West 57th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002
   M-Th 9am-8pm, Fri & Sat 9am-5pm, & Sun 12pm-5pm

***Safety Net/Parent Resources***
 - Jeffco CCAP (Childcare) - 900 Jefferson County Pkwy., Human Services Building, Golden, CO 80401 - (303)   271-4484
 - Jeffco Action Center (Emergency Housing, food, clothing, job search) -  8755 West 14th Ave., Lakewood, CO 80215 - (303) 237-7704
 - Arvada Food Bank (Food) - 8555 West 57th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 - (303) 424-6685
 - Medicaid (medical, dental, and hearing and vision screening) - 900 Jefferson County Pkwy., Human Services Building, Golden, CO 80401 - (303) 271-1388
 -WIC (Women, Infant, Children) Food Nutrition - Arvada Clinic - 6303 Wadsworth Bypass, Arvada, CO 80003 - (303) 275-7510
 -Child Find (Concerns of Growth and Development) - Jefferson County - 809 Quail St., Bldg. 1, Room 113, Lakewood, CO 80215 - (303)982-7247
 -Audiology (Hearing Screening) -  Children's Hospital Colorado - 13123 E. 16th Ave., Aurora, CO 80045 -  (720)777-0123

***Parent Lending Library***
1.Anger “Handling a powerful emotion in a healthy way – Book – Gary Chapman, Ph.D
  2.Anxious Child “Helping your anxious child” – Book – Ronald M. Rapee and Ann Wignall
  3. No One to Play With “Social side of learning disabilities” – Book – Betty B. Osman
  4.  Train Up a Child – Book – Rolf Zettersten
 5.  5 Love Languages – CD – Gary Chapman, Ph.D
 6.  Cool, Calm, & Confident “A Workbook to Help Kids Learn Assertiveness Skills” –  Book – Lisa M. Schab, LCSW
 7.  Parenting with Love and Logics “Teaching Children Responsibility” – Book – Foster  Cline, M.D. & Jim Fay
8. 5 Love Languages of Children – Book – Gary Chapman, Ph. D & Ross Campbell, M.D.
 9.  What You Need to Tell Your Child About Sex “A guide to help your child understand what the Bible has to say” – Book – John Nieder
10. When The Brain Can’t Hear “Unraveling the mystery of auditory processing disorder” – Book – Teri James Bellis, Ph. D
11. When Addictions Threaten – Book – Charles Knippel, Ph. D
12.  Taking the Stress Out of Raising Great Kids – Book – Jim Fay, Charles Fay, PhD. & Foster Cline, M.D.
13. Meeting the Challenge “Using Love and Logic to help children develop attention and behavior skills – Book – Jim Fay, Foster W. Cline, M.D. & Bob Sornson
 14. Marriage – Book – Foster W. Cline, M.D. & Hermie Drill Cline
 15. The Pearls of Love and Logic for Parents and Teachers – Book – Jim Fay & Foster W. Cline, M.D.
 16. Discipline with Love and Logics – Book – Jim Fay & Foster W. Cline, M.D.
 17. Millionaire Babies or Bankrupt Brats? – Book – Jim Fay & Kristan Leatherman
 18. Is Everybody Ready for Kindergarten? - Book - Angele Sancho Passe