Happy Mother's Day
A VERY SPECIAL shout out to all you MOTHERS out here. You are loved so DEEPLY.
It's getting warm out and all I can do is think of the flowers and all the color that is starting to appear and how much the kids enjoy the outdoors this time of year.
I have meet with many stakeholders involved with childcare, CAFCC COVID Task Force Team, CDPHE webinars, physicians, and nurses who work with children over the last few weeks. And it comes with a great deal of sadness that I am informing you of this summer's activities. Summer Fun is definitely looking different for this summer again.
1) We are considered a "cohort" here and by going to places this summer we are unable to control the exposures that other cohorts have, making this a greater increased risk of potential exposures to our own cohort.
2) Thrown into this mix is the possibilities of delays of adults being vaccinated along with vaccine hesitancies among adults. Here is the link to the amount of adults whom have been vaccinated in Colorado Vaccine data | Colorado COVID-19 Updates that is updated daily, which as of yesterday we were at 18.87% vaccination (CO population is 5.94 million for reference). Less than half of Colorado has been vaccinated (herd immunity is typically >90% but probably higher for COVID) / Childcare Nurse Consultant.
3) Finally, we also have the added fact of children who lack impulse control and boundaries for social distancing (normal growth for children these ages) that will be added if we would leave our facility.
I have decided we WILL NOT be taking field trips again this summer. I will be making plans for daily activities to be done here.
From June until August we will be still having daily activities, but the structured early childhood education program will resume September 1, 2021.
MARK you CALENDARS .....Saturday, August 21, 2021 (Mandatory Meeting, if you miss it, please schedule a day and time to go over all the information)
More details to come throughout the summer. This maybe virtual again, but it is unknown right now.
***NEW Online System***
Please continue to keep all information up to date on Early Learning Ventures.
The list of resources has been added to Angel Hugs Daycare Facebook Page, in order for parents to have access to this information at all times. We never know what life throws at us. This list of resources has numbers for food banks, emergency housing, hospitals, and many other helpful things parents may need.
***NEW Illness Policy & Check-up & COVID Waivers***
There is a NEW STRICTLY ENFORCED ILLNESS POLICY CDC requires us to follow: NO sneezing, coughing, and fevered children. If your child comes down with an illness they will have to stay home for 72 hours symptom free before being allowed to come back, just to make sure no other symptoms appear.
Temperature over 100 degrees F is considered a fever according to the CDC. For all other illnesses I will be following The Children's Hospital & CDC as to when to keep your child home with you. Just remember that a lot of illnesses are contagious before symptoms appear, including the the actual Flu, COVID, and many many others.
This year we have added in music lessons once a week to enhance our learning in all the learning domains, such as literacy and language, math, physical, logic and reason, and many of the growing areas. This is at no extra charge.
In order to maintain a high quality early childcare education program, I will be using my own curriculum, mixed with others, all which aligns with Colorado Early Learning and Developmental Guidelines. This curriculum is Child-led and Play-based (intentional teaching, but child-led ideas) all while learning ALL the skills that is needed to enter into Colorado's Kindergarten programs. I am so excited to launch this.
I am including an article from the National Association for the Education of Young Children, along with web link resources, that talks about play and play-based early childcare education and how this is so beneficial for children birth to 6 years old. Please take some time to read this. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me questions.
Play-based Learning Web Resources
1) http://theconversation.com/play-based-learning-can-set-your-child-up-for-success-at-school-and-beyond-91393
2) http://www.earlychildhoodnews.com/earlychildhood/article_view.aspx?domainredirect=true&ArticleID=453
3) https://www.naeyc.org/our-work/families/play
4) http://www.eclearningil.org/sites/default/files/hero-resources/early_childhood_progam_philosophies.pdf
Preschool News
Program is aligned with the Colorado Early Learning and Development Guidelines, which can be found at: https://www.cde.state.co.us/early/eldgs
Weekly Themes - Nest & Hives / Little Bookworms
Color - Purple
Shape - Square
Letters - Y & Z
Numbers - 19 & 20
6-8:30 - Arrival (Free Play)
8:30-9:00 - Circle & Story Time (Large Group) (planned daily activities)
9:00-9:30 - AM Snack & diaper changes
9:30-10:00 - Outdoor Play (Teacher Led Outdoor Gross Motor)
10:00-11:00 - Centers (Small Group) (planned daily activities)
11:00-11:30 - Free Play & diaper changes
11:30-12:00 - Lunch
12:00-3:00 - Nap
3:00-3:15 - Clean up & diaper changes
3:15-3:45 - PM Snack
4:15-6:00 - Outdoor Play (Teacher Led Outdoor Gross Motor)
Starts over in the Fall - From June until August we will be still having themes, but the structured preschool classroom will resume on September 1, 2021.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held the week of:
Spring - May 10, 2021 (Combining Winter and Spring)
The kids will be asked to bring ONE toy from home on FRIDAY'S ONLY, but now they have to help pick something that we have learned from the week. I will put on the board what they need to help pick out from home. Example: 1st Week we will be working on the letter A & the color Blue. If you could help them find something at home that starts with the letter A, like the sound in APPLE or something with the color Blue.
Please bring this item in a bag, labeled with their name. Since we are going to have a specific day to bring a toy, I am asking for ALL other toys to stay at home all other days.
Student Spotlight
May Birthday's
****No Daycare & Other Important Dates****
*Personal Days-P & Holiday Days-H to be paid/contract*
*5 Sick Days as of 1/1/21*
School Schedule
There will be no school drop off's or pick-up's this year. This could change at anytime, but a note will be sent out if this does change.
Please see each school website for COVID updates on this
*Other Important Dates*
Jaycee, Kellie, Jeni, or Dave will be here with the kids on the following dates for a couple hours
***Sign-In & Sign-Out***
Done with ELV
State of Colorado & Food Program is requiring all parents to sign their children in and out of daycare. If you would please do this, that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOD PROGRAM has said they are starting to not reimburse if this is not done.
-WIC (Women, Infant, Children) Food Nutrition - Arvada Clinic - 6303 Wadsworth Bypass, Arvada, CO 80003 - (303) 275-7510
-Child Find (Concerns of Growth and Development) - Jefferson County - 809 Quail St., Bldg. 1, Room 113, Lakewood, CO 80215 - (303)982-7247
-Audiology (Hearing Screening) - Children's Hospital Colorado - 13123 E. 16th Ave., Aurora, CO 80045 - (720)777-0123
12. Taking the Stress Out of Raising Great Kids – Book – Jim Fay, Charles Fay, PhD. & Foster Cline, M.D.
13. Meeting the Challenge “Using Love and Logic to help children develop attention and behavior skills – Book – Jim Fay, Foster W. Cline, M.D. & Bob Sornson
18. Is Everybody Ready for Kindergarten? - Book - Angele Sancho Passe