Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February 2025 Newsletter


Valentine's Day

We will be having a Valentine's Day Party on Friday, February 14th. Each kiddo will have a bag for their cards, your child may bring a Valentine for each of their friends (names below). If you would like to send a treat for the day that is ok as well, please just let me know.

Evie, Adie, Carmine, Sonny, Evan, Yareli, Aberdean, Jorie, Noah, Vera, Quinn, & Jo-hee

***Educational Workshop***

Jefferson County Child Care Association - Zoom
Feb 26, 2025 - 6:30-9:00pm

What It Takes Conference - Apex Community Recreation Center
March 1, 2025 - 8:00am to 4:30pm
-Music and the Brain
-Brain Architecture 
-Social and Emotional Health

Illness Policy
Temperature over 100 degrees F is considered a fever according to the CDC. For all other illnesses I will be following The Children's Hospital & CDC as to when to keep your child home with you. Just remember that a lot of illnesses are contagious before symptoms appear, including the actual Flu, COVID, and many, many others.

***NEW***How Sick is Too Sick - December 2024 can be found here
***Flu Season***Flu Season has approached us. I encourage ALL children to get the flu shot if they can. Please if you have any questions as to if your child should attend school. 

                        Problem Solving                                                    Grounding Techniques

ELV Online System
Please continue to keep all information up to date on Early Learning Ventures.


The list of resources has been added to Angel Hugs Daycare Facebook Page, in order for parents to have access to this information at all times. We never know what life throws at us. This list of resources has numbers for food banks, emergency housing, hospitals, and many other helpful things parents may need.

Play-based Learning Web Resources



Blanket Policy
Due to safety issues and to reduce risks, no child under the age of 2 will be given a blanket for nap time. Infants birth to 12 months will be provided a sleep sack as stated in the Infant Safe Sleep Policy as needed.

Preschool News
Program is aligned with the Colorado Early Learning and Development Guidelines, which can be found at:

Color - Pink
Shape - Heart
Letters - P, Q, & R
Numbers - 13 & 14
Themes - Feeling My Best & Rainforest Explorers

6-8:30 - Arrival (Free Play)
8:30-9:00 - Circle & Story Time (Large Group) (planned daily activities)
9:00-9:30 - AM Snack & diaper changes
9:30-10:00 - Outdoor Play (Teacher Led Outdoor Gross Motor)
10:00-11:00 - Centers (Small Group) (planned daily activities)
11:00-11:30 - Free Play & diaper changes
11:30-12:00 - Lunch
12:00-3:00 - Nap
3:00-3:15 - Clean-up & diaper changes
3:15-3:45 - PM Snack
4:15-6:00 - Outdoor Play (Teacher Led Outdoor Gross Motor)

Starts over in the Fall - From June until August we will be still having themes, but the structured preschool classroom will resume on September 1, 2024.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held the week of:
Fall - November 18, 2024
Spring - May 12, 2025

Student/Staff Spotlight
February Birthday's
Miss Jaycee - 19th
Sonny - 22nd
Miss Kellie - 24th

*Important Childcare Dates*
(P-Personal, H-Holiday, & S-Sick)

****No Childcare & Other Important Dates****
Jan - 1st - H
Jan - 9th & 10th - P (20-19)
Feb - 17th - H
March - 25th - 27th - P (18-16)
May - 26th - H
June - 19th - H
July - 4th - H
Sept - 1st - H
Oct - 2nd - 3th & 6th - P (15-13)
Oct - 27th - 31 - (12-8)
Nov - 3rd - 7th - P (7-3)
Nov - 27th & 28th - H
Dec - 18th & 19th - P (2 & 1)
Dec - 24th & 25th - H

*Personal Days-P & Holiday Days-H to be paid/contract*

*20 Personal Days as of 1/1/25*
*5 Sick Days as of 1/1/25*

NEW***Professional Development Days***
Closing at 4:30PM
Jan 22
Feb 26
March 26
April 23
May 28
June 25
July 23
Aug 27
Sept 24
Oct 22
Nov 19
Dec 17

*Other Important Dates*
Jaycee, Kellie, Jeni, or Dave will be here with the kids on the following dates for a couple hours
11th - Miss Kellie with a Sub
***Sign-In & Sign-Out***
Being done with ELV
State of Colorado & Food Program is requiring all parents to sign their children in and out of daycare. If you would please do this, that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!  FOOD PROGRAM has said they are starting to not reimburse if this is not done. 

Parent Corner

***Goals Updated(10/30/2024)
Colorado Shines Goals - A copy of the goals will be attached to the monthly email, along with a copy in the Parent Resource Center.

Parent Helpful Info
Visual Schedule
Here is a link to a visual schedule and chore chart you are welcome to use at home. We will be using one very similar this year here as well. Click here

Feeding Stages

Help to Stop Whining

Jefferson County Childcare Association Parent Newsletter

One-liners (Shows empathy, but puts child's action back on them) ***VERY HELPFUL***

Food Program - "Dear Parent Letter"
Family Network
Facebook Daycare Group – Everyone can search Angel Hugs Daycare and see the Facebook page. It is not a closed group. There will be no pictures of children on here.

***Community Connections***
 - 5280 Produce
    Fresh Produce for a reasonable price.....Facebook....5280 Produce

 - Arvada Library - 7525 West 57th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002
   M-Th 9am-8pm, Fri & Sat 9am-5pm, & Sun 12pm-5pm

***Safety Net/Parent Resources***
 - Jeffco CCAP (Childcare) - 900 Jefferson County Pkwy., Human Services Building, Golden, CO 80401 - (303)   271-4484
 - Jeffco Action Center (Emergency Housing, food, clothing, job search) -  8755 West 14th Ave., Lakewood, CO 80215 - (303) 237-7704
 - Arvada Food Bank (Food) - 8555 West 57th Ave., Arvada, CO 80002 - (303) 424-6685
 - Medicaid (medical, dental, and hearing and vision screening) - 900 Jefferson County Pkwy., Human Services Building, Golden, CO 80401 - (303) 271-1388
 -WIC (Women, Infant, Children) Food Nutrition - Arvada Clinic - 6303 Wadsworth Bypass, Arvada, CO 80003 - (303) 275-7510
 -Child Find (Concerns of Growth and Development) - Jefferson County - 809 Quail St., Bldg. 1, Room 113, Lakewood, CO 80215 - (303)982-7247
 -Audiology (Hearing Screening) -  Children's Hospital Colorado - 13123 E. 16th Ave., Aurora, CO 80045 -  (720)777-0123

***Parent Lending Library***
1.Anger “Handling a powerful emotion in a healthy way – Book – Gary Chapman, Ph.D
  2.Anxious Child “Helping your anxious child” – Book – Ronald M. Rapee and Ann Wignall
  3. No One to Play With “Social side of learning disabilities” – Book – Betty B. Osman
  4.  Train Up a Child – Book – Rolf Zettersten
 5.  5 Love Languages – CD – Gary Chapman, Ph.D
 6.  Cool, Calm, & Confident “A Workbook to Help Kids Learn Assertiveness Skills” –  Book – Lisa M. Schab, LCSW
 7.  Parenting with Love and Logics “Teaching Children Responsibility” – Book – Foster  Cline, M.D. & Jim Fay
8. 5 Love Languages of Children – Book – Gary Chapman, Ph. D & Ross Campbell, M.D.
 9.  What You Need to Tell Your Child About Sex “A guide to help your child understand what the Bible has to say” – Book – John Nieder
10. When The Brain Can’t Hear “Unraveling the mystery of auditory processing disorder” – Book – Teri James Bellis, Ph. D
11. When Addictions Threaten – Book – Charles Knippel, Ph. D
12.  Taking the Stress Out of Raising Great Kids – Book – Jim Fay, Charles Fay, PhD. & Foster Cline, M.D.
13. Meeting the Challenge “Using Love and Logic to help children develop attention and behavior skills – Book – Jim Fay, Foster W. Cline, M.D. & Bob Sornson
 14. Marriage – Book – Foster W. Cline, M.D. & Hermie Drill Cline
 15. The Pearls of Love and Logic for Parents and Teachers – Book – Jim Fay & Foster W. Cline, M.D.
 16. Discipline with Love and Logics – Book – Jim Fay & Foster W. Cline, M.D.
 17. Millionaire Babies or Bankrupt Brats? – Book – Jim Fay & Kristan Leatherman
 18. Is Everybody Ready for Kindergarten? - Book - Angele Sancho Passe
19. LATCH – Book – Abby Theuring
20.  The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding – Book – La Leche League International

Early Childhood Mental Health Resources

Mental health can be a sensitive topic, but it's important to talk about it. That's because everyone has mental health - even babies - and the foundation for lifelong mental health is set in the early years. See
Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation | Colorado Department of Early Childhood to get connected for your children or yourselves as caregivers.

Mental Health Starts Early Book List

Be sure to check out the children's book list curated by Colorado Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) consultants, clinically-trained mental health specialists with expertise in early childhood development. Book categories include:

  • Social-emotional learnings and feelings
  • Attachment relationships
  • Body safety and consent
  • Self-love and acceptance
  • Trauma
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Diverse families

You can find the book list under “More Resources for Supporting Young Children” at Learn more about these and other resources and services available to anyone across the state who cares for children under age six to better understand and care for the wellbeing of young children online or by calling (833) ECMH-411 (833-326-4411).

CDEC Address - File a Complaint