Wednesday, December 2, 2015

December Newsletter

***Please see the change in school times below***

Happy Holidays!!!!

We will be having our Daycare Christmas Party on December 18, 2015. We will do our gift exchange during the day and having a fun afternoon snack for all the children.

Your child will be drawing names for their "Secret Santa" this week, for those who are not in school. So if for any reason you do not want your child to participate in this, please let me know by December 1.  I will send home a note saying who's name your child drew and the age of the child. The limit is $20.

New Things Coming
Over the next 6 months my goal is to try to take more things electronic, such as Sign-In and Out, Children's Files (Authorizations, Child Info Sheets, etc.). So please be watching for this to take place. It may take a while for it to take place, but just giving everyone a little heads up.

New area - Parent Corner(Below)
Research has proven that parent's involvement in children's education at early ages benefits the child in the many ways. There are 6 areas parents can help with this process: Parenting, Communicating, Volunteering, Learning at Home, Decision Making, and Collaborating with Community. I for one understand that not everyone can do all 6 areas(life is busy), but doing the best you can is AWESOME! I have added a Parent Corner to the newsletter to help with resources and information for daycare here, please read over it every month as well. After all your family and I are the ones doing the educating from birth on up.

EXCITING NEWS!!!!! I have just received word that we are receiving 2 grants, Race to the Top and School Readiness. These grants will be providing us with some extra money to purchase different things here and provide me with a coach to help figure out where the money will be best invested.

Starting in January there will be a NEW Early Childhood PTA starting. They will be meeting once a month & ALL parents are being encouraged to check it out......time and dates TBA. This is being funded through the School Readiness Grant Fundings, so there is a chance everyone's dues will be paid for this year.

Parents and Teacher Connections = Successful Children

Flu Season
Flu Season has approached us. I encourage ALL children to get this if they can. Please if you have any questions as to if your child should attend daycare please feel free to ask. I've got a list from the The Children's Hospital & CDC of different things as to when to keep your child home with you.  Just remember that a lot illnesses are contagious before symptoms appear.  Temperature over 100 degrees F is considered a fever according to the CDC.

Teaching Strategies Gold

The 1st assessment period went by very quickly and very well. I am looking forward to the next conference, which is scheduled for February 22, 2016. I have found out that we can get them all done in one evening, so please everyone plan to attend this date, times will be announced next month.

School Pick-up & Drop-offs
This year I am continuing to take kids to school, but I have added a school pickup.  We will leave the house at 8:30am at the very latest & will return around 9:00ish.  In the afternoons we will leave the house about 3:00pm at the very latest & will return around 4:00pm.

***The leaving time in the morning has been changing to 8:15am & back around 9:00ish starting next Monday through December 18, 2015.***

Student Spotlight
December Birthday's
Sebastian - 10th
Noah - 26th

*Important Daycare Dates*
(P-Personal, H-Holiday, & S-Sick)

****No Daycare & Other Important Dates****

Nov 17th - S (5)
Dec 24th & 25th - H
***Next Year***
Jan 1st - H
Feb 10th, 11th, 12th, & 15th - P (15-12) Added on the 15th

Payments that are due during this time are to be paid prior to the personal or holiday days

*Personal Days-P & Holiday Days-H to be paid/contract*

*15 Personal Days as of 1/1/15*
*5 Sick Days as of 1/1/15*
*15 Personal Days as of 1/1/16*
*5 Sick Days as of 1/1/16*

*Other Important Dates*
Jaycee or Jeni will be here with kids the following dates for a couple hours
December 21 & 22 - Jaycee

School Schedule
Foster -  No School - 12/11 & 12/21 - 1/5 & Early Release - 12/2
Steven's - No School - 12/2 & 12/21 - 1/5

***Sign-In & Sign-Out Sheets***
State of Colorado & Food Program is requiring all parents to sign their children in and out of daycare. On the front porch is a clip board with the list of all kid's names. If you would please do this, that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!  FOOD PROGRAM has said they are starting to not reimburse if this is not done. 

Kellie Volleyball Schedule
As of right now, we will not be having to do anything for Kellie for volleyball.

Parent Corner
Jefferson County Childcare Association Parent Newsletter

Parent Resources
Stop Whining
Creating Routines

***New - Family Network***
Facebook Closed Daycare Group – Invitation will be sent to you via Facebook.

***New – Parent Help & Support***
Watch for a postcard survey for available talents, times, and locations of volunteering opportunities

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